So I have to ask again? How many times must the question be asked?

Again - I ask.

WHAT is so terribly wrong with taxpayer-funded health care?

It works (very well) in virtually every other industrialized nation on earth. 


Conservatives?  Democrats?  Fascists (I know you are out there - even if you have obviously not taken the time to verify the meaning of words such as democracy, communism, fascism, socialism, totalitarianism and xenophobia and therefore have no clue what you are advocating)? Libertarians?  Republicans?  


All you big shot geniuses (Barack Obama, Pope Benedict (XVI), Howard Dean, James Dobson, Ted Haggard, Rahm Emanuel, Shawn Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, "Rush" Limbaugh, Rick Warren etc. etc. etc. et. al.) - WHAT is so terribly wrong with taxpayer funded health care???????

Could it be that women might gain control over their own reproduction (organs/bodies/DNA) through access to birth control, etc. etc. etc.?" 

Why does the US need to continue to (provide robust legislative) support to an uppercrust/uberclass of corporations/superwealthy/ultrapious that make a great deal (obscene amounts of) of money off of the pain, suffering and death of US citizens through extortion (health "care" insurance) and health "care" itself (e.g. running families into bankruptcy and foreclosing upon their homes for medical bills)? 

Why has the marriage of capitalism and medicine become little more than the naked gouging and economic exploitation of the desperately ill and dying for anything and everything that can be taken from them - and more?

WHY do We the People of the United States continue to allow a VERY small number of people (not to mention a small number of very wealthy churches who have managed to take control of most hospitals) to continue reap GREAT (almost unimaginable) wealth from the continuing pain and suffering of the People of the United States of America?

Why are our “representatives” advancing a “public insurance” option (allegedly designed to compete with the religious hospitals and corporate insurers)?  Why (rather than using tax income to provide American People the Right to Health Care the United States) create an unneeded, unwanted and wasteful public insurance (apparent extortion) program (buy the insurance or go bankrupt and be evicted when you get sick and can’t pay). 

I continue to wait for your (or anyone’s) response to these important questions - assuming anyone can actually access this website in "the home of the free (deceived) and the land of the brave (afraid). 

Thank you for your attention and support.

I await (and look forward to) your response.


Groff Schroeder

President of the Board of Directors

The Freethinkers of Colorado Springs


PS: the continuing lack of responses to this and virtually every other post on this website will appear to support the idea that very few people can access this website.  GS