Who cares?!

Another politician having an “affair?” 


Who cares?!


They told us they wanted government off our backs – they did not tell us they planned to move government into our pants!


America’s “news” sources are filled with sensationalized, repetitive subjective “reports,” unfettered speculation and wholesale righteous indignation over South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford’s alleged “affair” with “an Argentinean woman.” 


It appears that journalists participating in this latest “feeding frenzy” failed to notice that privacy/pursuit of happiness thing in the US Constitution, eh?


Journalism should have about as much interest in what the “Honorable Governor Mark Sanford” does with his sex organs as a houseplant does in what the Flying Spaghetti Monster had for dinner. 


Chances are there are much more interesting, important and probably much more sensational news stories lurking in the business dealings of [insert representative title here] [insert representative name here] in the last five months than there are in [insert representative title here] [insert representative name here]’s sex life. 


One wonders why the “liberal” ROFL press spends so much time pursuing stories related to naked politicians and so little time investigating what appears as naked bribery associated with “campaign donations” at virtually every level of  “public service” in the US. 


Perhaps in journalism, like in medicine, the quest for (third party) profit trumps the quest for quality. 


Thank you for your time and attention. 


I look forward to your response.