How can we return to "reasonable" debate?

Recently, Johann Hari published a disturbing op-ed in the UK Independent entitled, "Republicans, religion and the triumph of unreason."

The op-ed makes a very good case that "...the Republican Party really is spinning off into a bizarre cult..." and that "Rather than challenging these hard interests and bizarre fantasies aggressively, [Obama] has tried to flatter and soothe them. Hari also points out that "The American media then presents itself as an umpire between "the rival sides", as if they both had evidence behind them."

It appears we live in a bizarre "info-war" in which reality is thrown to the gutter so that monied corporate interests (including those controlling the information We the People receive) appear to use the press as a means of manipulating the People of the United States into believing (and repeating) naked lies. Perhaps we few who are working to advance the use of reason should begin to focus our attention on the (at best) investigative failures and or (at worst) intentional misrepresentations appearing in our nation's news media through letters to the editor etc.

Our tiny little voice in the wilderness (The "Freethought Views" paid advertisement) appears dwarfed by the task we face, and it may be time to explore new approaches.