Public insurance - or publicly funded health care?

Tonight (September 9, 2009) in an address before a joint session of the United States Congress, President Barack Obama stated that “...strong majorities of Americans still favor a public insurance option...,” which begs the question: do those “strong majorities” of Americans truly support public “insurance” – or do they favor true publicly funded (and highly successful) "single payer" health care as is available in every other industrialized nation on earth?

The question those of us in the “strong majorities” should be asking is why are our “representatives” fighting so intensely and so successfully against what We the People appear to want – and why do out “representatives” so often appear to be doing the bidding of the fabulously wealthy health “care” corporations that are such regular and reliable sources of “campaign donations?”

Do our “representatives” represent We the People who elected them – or The people who pay them? The answer to this question appears to lie in the details of what the “strong majorities” President Obama cited actually favor, the “public insurance” he apparently only reluctantly proposes – or the kind of taxpayer funded “single payer” system in use by every other industrialized nation on earth?