The Freethinkers of Colorado Springs accept points of view verified by engineering, logic, mathematics, and science rather than beliefs stemming from authority, emotion, dogma, or tradition. Founded in 1993 in response to Colorado's Amendment 2, the Freethinkers of Colorado Springs advocate the use of reason, defend the separation of church and state, and support interpersonal dialogue, non-violence, human rights, civil rights, reproductive rights, and equality for all.

Closure? - by Groff Schroeder: Freethought Views September 2011


by Groff Schroeder


While some suggest we “look forward not back1," it appears some events, both before and after September 11, 2001, are important not to forget, but to remember.


Freedom, freedom, who gets the freedom? - by Groff Schroeder: Freethought Views August 2011


Freedom, freedom, who gets the freedom?    - by Groff Schroeder

We hear a lot about the getting government “off our backs,” but not so much about the relentless march of government – especially government sponsored religion - into our pants. Although the 1965 Griswold vs. Connecticut Supreme Court Decision declared a state's arrest of married couples using birth control unconstitutional, the unparalleled successes of “pay for play,” and “pray for play,” politics suggests that birth control opponents could soon return state policing of reproductive practices to the marital bedroom. Meanwhile, despite birth control's proven ability to prevent abortions, opponents successfully employ apparently unethical tactics that deny countless Americans access to birth control every day, no matter what their marital or religious status.

The Religious Roots of Terrorism - by Jan Brazill: Freethought Views July 2011

The Religious Roots of Terrorism - by Jan Brazill

If only…

Nowhere are these words of regret more distressing than in our current concern with terrorism. The dreadful event of 9/11, the bombings worldwide with increased security at home, even the airport searches that make air travel uncomfortable—all these could have been avoided, if only…

God's omnipotence - by Hugh Noe: Freethought Views June 2011


God’s omnipotence

By Hugh Noe

Probably the most difficult aspect of organized religion to "swallow" is the concept of god's omnipotence. Believers will often tell you that god is omnipotent – all powerful. Their god is responsible for every occurrence on earth, all the good things and all the bad, every birth, every medical condition, and every death that occurs. It’s all within god’s control, and part of god’s plan. And, if you want a particular outcome, just pray to god, and your chances are good, because god loves you, and he can make it so.

We can know - by Groff Schroeder: Freethought Views May 2011


We can know

Throughout history, countless prophets from countless religions have issued countless prophecies predicting the end of the world. Radio personality Harold Camping and the website, predict the “rapture of believers” will occur on May 21, 2011 (this weekend), with destruction of the earth and universe to follow on October 21. In 1992, Camping previously predicted these events would occur in September 1994.

Who do you trust? - by Groff Schroeder: Freethought Views April 21, 2011

Who do you trust?

By Groff Schroeder

Between 1630 and 1643, “Puritans” seeking religious freedom emigrated to America. Despite experiencing religious repression in Britain, the Puritan's Massachusetts Bay Colony punished citizens like Roger Williams for advocating religious tolerance. Williams founded Rhode Island upon religious freedom and the separation of church and state in 1636, and in 1644, wrote against “...enforced uniformity of religion.” Between 1650 and 1700, the Massachusetts Bay Colony expelled or executed numerous Quakers, Catholics, “witches,” and others for religious violations.

Systems Thinking for Free Thinking about the 'Free Market' - by Bob Powell: Freethought Views February 2011


Systems Thinking for Free Thinking about the 'Free Market'

by Bob Powell, Ph.D.

Systems thinking is required to understand behavior in dynamically complex systems, systems with multiple feedbacks and long delays. Our economy is dynamically complex, with a vast number of feedbacks and delays of years and even decades. There's a saying: "The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.” It's quite literally true. That's because complex systems have emergent properties: properties of the whole that are not properties of the parts.

The Real Objective - by Janet Brazill: Freethought Views March 2011

The Real Objective - by Janet Brazil

Americans should ask themselves--what is the real goal of Congress in banning both abortion and contraception? Any thinking person can see that the use of contraceptives will reduce the need for abortions. 

FTCS April 2011 Meeting - Herman White, Holocaust Survivor

04/27/2011 - 19:00
04/27/2011 - 21:30

Breathing Time: A Topography of Dread - A Geography of Hope

by Herman White

Freethinkers of Colorado Springs April 2011 Meeting

April 27, 2011        7:00 PM

311 East Costilla Street, Colorado Springs

Et tu, Brute? Likely GOP candidate Santorum "appalled" by JFK's "radical" support of church/state separation

What kind of toxicants are Santorum and his fellow (self-described) "patriots" in the GOP shooting up?

Santorum "appalled" at JFK church/state comments

The exercise of political power in service to....

Perhaps no other nation is so thoroughly associated with civil rights, human rights, religious freedom, and the idea that politicians who win election as representatives proudly serve the highest power in a democratic society, the People of their consitutency.  Unfortunately, far too many of our "representatives" do not appear to adhere to this founding principle of democracy.  By the time We the People find out that the "representative(s)" we elected have decided to put the People's interest in second place behind the representative's interests it is too late: days, weeks, or mon

Nontheists to Contribute to Religious Respect Training Development at the Air Force Academy - by Jason Torpy


On the 15th and 16th of November, the Military Association of Atheists & Freethinkers (MAAF) will have a seat at the table to participate in the shaping of the religious respect training curriculum at the Air Force Academy (USAFA). This is an unprecedented outreach action on the part of the Academy to expand their diversity training to nontheists.

You get what you pay for - by Groff Schroeder: Freethought Views October 2010

Despite low tax rates for the industrialized world, many American journalists, politicians, and pundits oppose taxation and act as if capitalism and corporate power were enshrined in the US Constitution, perhaps somewhere in the First Amendment.  We are told what a burden it is to support our country and our communities with our tax dollars – and how much better everything will be when corporations profit from services government currently delivers at cost.  Before we privatize public schools or cough up “co-pays” for police and fire services, perhaps we should examine the r

Are we equal yet? - by Groff Schroeder: Freethought Views August 2010

“We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”  So wrote America’s founders on July 4, 1776.  Despite the good intentions, many signatories of the Declaration of Independence would vote in 1787 in favor of a Constitution that kept millions of slaves in bondage, initiating the many long years of toil, brutality, and war that lay ahead before even the basic concept of equality would gain acceptance in the United St

Equal Justice Under Law - at least in California - at least for now

Molly Ivins wrote, "It is possible to read the history of this country as one long struggle to extend the liberties established in our Constitution to everyone in America."

History may one day recognize the August 4, 2010 Perry vs. Swartzenegger ruling in the US District Court for the Northern District of California...


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