FTCSBOD1's blog

Abstinence Only AGAIN? Another example of our "representatives" representing...

...the People The people who are able - in apparent violation of the law - to steer large blocks of "donations" and/or votes from the pulpit/the office of the CEO etc. into political campaigns or on "election" day.

Sometimes, their actions are completely inscrutable - like the Democratic "super majority" being unable to advance public health care (tried and true in 100% of other industrialized nations) - and instead funding a proven failure, "abstinence only" sex "education."

Public insurance - or publicly funded health care?

Tonight (September 9, 2009) in an address before a joint session of the United States Congress, President Barack Obama stated that “...strong majorities of Americans still favor a public insurance option...,” which begs the question: do those “strong majorities” of Americans truly support public “insurance” – or do they favor true publicly funded (and highly successful) "single payer" health care as is available in every other industrialized nation on earth?

How can we return to "reasonable" debate?

Recently, Johann Hari published a disturbing op-ed in the UK Independent entitled, "Republicans, religion and the triumph of unreason." http://www.independent.co.uk/opinion/commentators/johann-hari/johann-hari-republicans-religion-and-the-triumph-of-unreason-1773994.html

Just an average tweet?

Lately it appears that if you watch TV, listen to the radio, read newspapers, attend college related events or even talk to the people whose computer skills are limited to turning on their Mac and struggling to launch an application, the word “Twitter” will come up before the end of the second paragraph.  Twitter and tweet seemed to become thoroughly ingrained in communication so quickly and so thoroughly that it almost had to be a fad.  After all, how much information content let alone value can there be in a 140 character (0.546875 byte) message anyway?

Who cares?!

Another politician having an “affair?” 


Who cares?!


So I have to ask again? How many times must the question be asked?

Again - I ask.

WHAT is so terribly wrong with taxpayer-funded health care?

Single Payer Health Care? Why not?

What on earth is so terrible about single payer health care?


You are not (at all) alone - by Groff Schroeder

In a society where seemingly ”everyone” appears to believe in (and in many cases even “worship”) alleged supernatural beings (whom for some reason remain completely and reliably undetectable), those of us who do not share these beliefs may begin to feel alone and isolated. However, it is easy to forget that almost everyone is at least 99% atheist, not believing in (let alone worshipping) the supernatural beings:

Silence of the freethinkers

For the most part, people do not hear much from freethinkers.  It appears most freethinkers are quiet and do not spend much time telling others about their point of view.  Many would not even know what freethinkers are without accidental exposure to other freethinkers through rare freethinking publications such as the Freethinkers of Colorado Springs' Freethought Views "advertorial" in the Colorado Springs Independent.  That is how I discovered I was a freethinker.  Before that discovery, I just thought I was different - and alone.

Keeping the Lights On

It can be interesting trying to get things correctly done as a volunteer - especially if you grew up in the Twilight Zone and live under the direct effect of Murphys' Law and Stapp's Ironical Paradox, which states, "The universal aptitude of ineptitude makes any human accomplishment an incredible miracle."  In this context, not believing in miracles (except perhaps metaphorically with respect to unlikely events) means that it is important to extend credit for simply getting things done - even when 20/20 hindsight makes it crystal clear how a list of things might have been done better. 

Resolving blogging


So here we are in yet another new year having recently celebrated the winter solstice. 

The new year often brings "resolutions," personal promises to change something for our next elliptical circuit around our neighborhood main sequence star.  Therefore, if all goes well, this "blog" will experience (at least somewhat) regular entries, taking advantage of one of the resources available to (all) members the Freethinkers of Colorado Springs (FTCS) and in hopes of attracting readers, respondents and new opportunities. 

Will the introduction of Articles of Impeachment against the President of the United States be reported in the "liberal" press?

Will the introduction of Articles of Impeachment against the President of the United States make news? 

Late on June 9, 2008 the Honorable Dennis Kucinich introduced 35 Articles of Impeachment against George W. Bush. for alleged high crimes and misdemeanors associated with the 9/11/2001 attacks, numerous violations of the United States Constitution and US and international law.

Thank you to everyone!


Thank you to everyone who assisted, attended, considered, participated in or responded to April 23, 2008’s “Are We ‘One Nation under God’” debate co-sponsored by the Freethinkers of Colorado Springs and Focus on the Family. 

Greetings from the Freethinkers of Colorado Springs Board of Directors!

Thank you for visiting our site. 

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